Terms and Conditions of Hire

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Sports facility hire terms & conditions


1. In these conditions the following expressions shall be interpreted as follows:

  1. “Heber Leisure” is inclusive of the sports centre & its facilities & those of Bishop Heber High School.
  2. “The Premises” shall be “Bishop Heber High School” and its subsequent facility boundaries as per the ground regulations & borders.
  3. “The Manager” refers to the person appointed for the time being by Bishop Heber High School to act as sports centre manager of the facilities at Bishop Heber High School.

 2. All applications for the hire of the facilities must be made via the online application form on our website www.heberleisure.co.uk. In all cases the application form should be returned duly signed and completed to the Sports Centre Manager at least 7 days prior to the date of hiring. The person in whose name the application is made shall be deemed to be the hirer for the purpose of these conditions. Where an organisation or club is named, that organisation or club shall also be considered the hirer and shall be jointly and severally liable hereon with the person in whose name the application is made.

3. Heber Leisure reserves to itself, the right at any time to refuse or cancel the hire of the facilities. Heber Leisure shall not be liable for any payment whatsoever either to the hirer or to any other person in respect of a claim for compensation or damage arising in any manner from the cancellation of any hire of the facilities.

4. Heber Leisure shall not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by or to the hirer or any other person as a result of any breakdown, leakage, or accident, whatsoever, necessitating the cancellation or interruption of the hiring and the hirer shall indemnify Heber Leisure & Bishop Heber High School fully against any costs, claims or demands arising out of such breakdown, leakage or accident.

5. Heber Leisure reserves to itself the right to charge the fee agreed if suitable notice of cancellation is not received at least 28 days prior to the booking in the case of large events & 48hrs for regular & singular hires. Cancellation should be made via telephone 01948 808884 (Answer Phone available, please leave name and number)

6. The hirer shall not assign, sublet or sub license the permission to use the facilities without the prior approval of the Sports Centre Manager.

7. All furniture, apparatus or appliances delivered to the facility by or on behalf of the hirer must be unloaded, placed in position and removed by the hirer or person employed by him for such purposes, at such time as shall be agreed by the Sports Centre Manager or their representative and no such furniture, apparatus or appliances shall be delivered to or placed in position on the facility without the previous consent from the Sports Centre manager or their representative.

8. The facility must be vacated by the expiration of the time of hire. The hours of hire are the total of those for which the facility may be used by the hirer as shown on the application to hire forms and do not refer to the duration of the programme.

9. No decorations are to be placed upon or additions made to the facility without the consent of the Sports Centre Manager or his/her representative.

10. No right to supply refreshments of any kind whatsoever shall be deemed to be given to the hirer or to any other person by a grant of the use of the facilities unless expressly agreed with the Sports Centre Manager prior to application to hire.

11. No intoxicating liquor shall be brought upon the premises & will result in immediate withdrawal of permission to hire if the hirer or participants are found in breach. Heber Leisure and the grounds of Bishop Heber High School are also a strictly no smoking/vaping venue and may also result in hire being terminated.

12. Heber Leisure does not accept any responsibility with respect to the sale or collection of monies on behalf of the hirer.

13. The fee as specified within the application to hire shall be paid for the facility at least seven days prior to the date of booking, and within 30 days of the invoice unless otherwise agreed. Any further charge becoming payable as a result of exceeding the allotted period of hire or for any other reason shall be payable within 7 days of receipt of the appropriate invoice and shall be recommendable as a single contract debit.

14. The fee, unless specifically stated to the contrary, is for the use of the facility, together with such dressing accommodation, seats, apparatus, and appliances as are provided by Heber Leisure at the facility. Any additional seats, apparatus or appliances or other furniture required by the hirer must be provided at the hirers own cost.

15. The fee also covers heating and lighting, the normal preparation and reinstatement of the facility and accessories and the normal service of the attendants under the direction of the Sports Centre Manager or their representative, but do not include any extraordinary work, service or attendance which must be provided by and at the cost of the hirer. This may include the special facilities for television coverage.

16. The hirer must not affix any notices anywhere within the facility, without the prior consent of the Sports Centre Manager.

17. The hirer shall be responsible for:

  • The payment of the fee and any other charges.
  • The provision of Stewards to control entrance to the premises and to preserve order during the hiring including ensuring suitable first aid provision is available throughout the duration of the hire.
  • The employment of any police officer at the request of the Sports Centre Manager.
  • Indemnifying Heber Leisure inclusive of Bishop Heber High School from and against damage owing to the premises, furniture fitting, apparatus, appliances, or other property whatsoever, during the period of hire or arising as a result of such hire and the expenses of making good such
  • All claims, costs and damages arising from accidents or injury sustained by any persons on the premises or arising from any infringement of copyright on the Premises, during the period of hire and shall indemnify Heber Leisure inclusive of Bishop Heber High School from and against such claims, costs and damages.
  • All claims in respect of damage to or loss of property, articles or any items whatsoever placed in or left upon the premises by the hirer, or any other person using the premises and shall indemnify Heber Leisure inclusive of Bishop Heber High School from and against such claims.
  • The provision of suitably trained persons to be on duty and be responsible for the safety of the persons using the premises during the whole of the period of the hiring as deemed necessary by the Sports Centre Manager.
  • Compliance with the Regulations relating to the premises and any other conditions and regulations which are from time to time in force.
  • Carrying out his obligations under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, ensuring that all relevant checks have been undertaken for any person engaged in regulated activity with young people or vulnerable adults on a frequent and intensive basis, in particular:- That the person has not been barred by the Independent Safeguarding Authority from undertaking regulated activity with children and/or vulnerable adults; Receipt of an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate from the Criminal Records Bureau; No reason to doubt their suitability to work with children, young people or vulnerable adults
  • Carrying on his obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 not only in respect of the hirer’s employees but also in respect of the employees of Heber Leisure inclusive Bishop Heber High School and members of the public.
  • Taking out insurance to cover accident or injury to workmen, spectators and guests and shall produce the policy at the request of the Sports Centre Manager.
  • Teams shall behave at all times in a proper and orderly manner without disturbance to, or interference with, other users of the area. Teams should not allow players to urinate in public areas, including against walls/fences. Teams must refrain from using bad language, to ensure they do not offend other users or the general public.

18. The hirer shall permit Heber Leisure and their employees to enter the premises/facilities at all times

19. The Sports Centre Manager or his representative is responsible for the enforcement of these regulations and is required by Heber Leisure to prevent the use of any article, appliance or apparatus and to prevent any event, exhibition or performance which may be considered objectionable or dangerous.

20. Heber Leisure reserves the right to alter fees and charges without notice. The fee or charge payable shall be that ruling at the time of the event, not at the time of application unless specifically agreed in writing with the Sports Centre Manager. The hirer will be informed of the change in fees and charges and will be given the right to cancel the booking without cost but without the right of making any claim against Heber Leisure inclusive of Bishop Heber High School in respect of such cancellation.

21. Heber Leisure reserves the right to alter the conditions of hire, subject to providing the hirer with 28 days’ notice.

22. The hirer is entitled to

  • 4 weeks holiday period if the booking is for a 52-week period.
  • If a 6-month block booking is made then the hirer is entitled to 2 weeks holiday period.
  • If a 3-month block booking is made, then the hirer is entitled to 1 week holiday period.
  • Anything less than 3 months, no holiday will be granted.

These exclusion dates should where possible be given upfront, during the application stage. Please note that the Centre will be closed on Bank Holidays and will also reduce operational hours during the Christmas Holiday period. If exclusion dates are not submitted at the beginning of the hire period, then a minimum period of at least 4 weeks written notice of these dates should be submitted to the Sports Centre Manager. The Sports Centre Manager should acknowledge receipt of this written notice before dates are granted.

23. If the hire consists for a series of sessions, the hire may become exempt of VAT (Unless you have opted to tax) when you meet ALL of the following conditions.

  • The series consists of 10 or more sessions and is paid upfront
  • Each session is for the same sport or activity
  • Each session is in the same place (the lane, court or pitch can be different or number of lanes, courts or pitches, but must be in the same facility)
  • The interval between each session is at least 1 day but no more than 14 days, (for an interval to be 1 day a full gap of 24hrs must exist between the start & finish). The duration of the sessions may be varied. There are no exceptions for intervals greater than 14 days
  • The series is to be paid for as a whole & there must be written evidence to the fact. This must include evidence that payment is to be made in full whether or not the right to use the facility for any specific session is actually exercised. Provision for a refund given by the provider in the event of unforeseen non availability of their facility would not affect this condition.
  • The facilities are let out to a school, club or association or an organisation representing affiliated clubs or constituents such as a local league. An affiliation number must be supplied prior to hire commencing. Heber Leisure will check this number with the appropriate affiliated body & affiliation number will be recorded on the Invoice payments for hire
  • The person to whom the facilities are let has exclusive use of them during the sessions.

The fees for hire are managed by the Finance department. Therefore, payments must be made direct to the sports centre. Payments can be made either by phone (card payments) in person (cash or card). Payments in person can be made within the main sports centre site at the reception desk during the normal centre operating hours or at a time agreed prior with the Sports centre Manager. You will need to have your invoice number ready when you make a payment.

If you decide to pay over the telephone, then you need to call 01948 808884.

24. Single casual bookings must be paid for at the time of booking.

25. If the hire fails to finish on time, the hirer will be liable for a penalty charge of £10.00 per every 10-minute block.

26. If you wish to cancel your hire entirely, then you must contact the Sports Centre Manager and request a cancellation document. You will be required to give 30 days’ notice of cancellation and the 1st day of notice will begin when the Centre acknowledges receipt of this document. A charge may apply for full cancellation on all regular hires.